Starting your own business is hard, especially when you are a first time entrepreneur and have no previous experience. Getting good advice in the beginning can help you pave your path to success. Thankfully today there are many entrepreneurs and bloggers out there who churn out useful advice daily based on their experiences. Here is our list of best blogs that every entrepreneur should read for getting guidance and help for day to day matters.

1) Paul Graham

Paul Graham is a programmer, writer, and investor and co founder of YCombinator. Paul Graham’s Essays are a MUST READ if you want to learn about entrepreneurship, startups, or technology. The content in his essays is very well put together. They are informative and entertaining at the same time. You will find some really good advice for your business here.

2) Chris Dixon

Chris Dixon’s blog is about philosophy, history, internet, programming, startups and investing. He is a General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz and has invested in ventures like Airware, Coinbase, BuzzFeed, Oculus, Soylent and Shapeways. Chris Dixon has been blogging for around 7 years now you can find him tweeting, podcasting, and occasionally posting on Medium.

3) Sam Altman

Samuel Altman is a blogger, entrepreneur, programmer and venture capitalist. He was co-founder of Loopt and currently serves as the President of YCombinator. Sam has consistently been recognized for his entrepreneurship. Sam has been featured in Inc. Magazine’s Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 and has been recognized for his entrepreneurship consistently. He was also name one of BusinessWeek’s Tech’s Best Entrepreneurs. His blog has some great advice and tips for startups and entrepreneurs.

4) Both Sides of The Table

Both Sides of the Table is a blog by Mark Suster, in which he talks about what it’s like to enter the entrepreneurship world. Mark is a prominent American blogger and regularly talks about startup fundraising, leadership, marketing, and sales. This blog is a a gem for all those who want to become entrepreneurs.

5) Vin Vicanti

Vinicius Vacanti is the co-founder and CEO of Yipit. He writes on his blog about the lessons he learnt being a first time founder.

6) Benedict Evans Mailing List

Benedict Evans works at Andreessen Horowitz. According to Benedict, he tries to work out what’s going on and what will happen next, and then talks about it in blog posts. He blogs about everything interesting he has seen in tech and mobile with his views and opinion on what it means. Every Sunday he sends out an email newsletter to almost 42,000 subscribers on his latest blog post.