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Strategies & Tools for More Productivity & Free Time

The Ultimate Guide To Ringless Voicemail Marketing

Are you tired of having your sales team waste hours on the phone with no results? Learning how to leave a voicemail without calling can dramatically reduce the number of hours each salesperson spends on the phone. Even better, putting ringless voicemail software to work for your company will boost your overall sales.

What Are Ringless Voice Drops?

Before you can decide if ringless voicemail is right for your business, you need to develop a firm understand of what it actually does. Often referred to as a drop or voicedrop, this technology enables you to place a professionally recorded marketing message in each receiver’s voicemail without making their phone ring.

There are numerous advantages to taking this approach, which we’ll cover in-depth below. However, the most important takeaway is that ringless voicemail drops have a proven history of converting interested leads into sales.

Eight Advantages of Ringless Voicemail Drop Software

If you truly want to save time, increase worker productivity and also connect with a higher percentage of qualified leads, you should definitely consider an automated voicemail provider. After all, this targeted marketing method will enable salespeople to focus on what they do best: selling.

1. Increase Time for Actual Sales

When a call goes straight to voicemail, it speeds up the timely process of dialing, listening to the ringtone and hoping an interested prospect will answer. The sad truth is that it takes most salespeople an average of 18 phone calls before they connect with a human being. Even when this does happen, the odds of closing every call with a sale are practically zero. Fortunately, you can cut out all this wasted time and frustration with voicemail drop software.

2. Boost Qualified Leads

Making 18 calls to get one answer is time-consuming enough. The situation worsens when you realize that only 50 percent of your leads will have a need for the product in question. In other words, it can take up to 36 calls to connect with a single interested party. From there, you have to deal with the cold, hard fact that a mere 19 percent of buyers actually want to speak to a salesperson when they’re first becoming aware of a product. When a call goes straight to voicemail without ringing, it eliminates these lengthy, unproductive steps. When someone calls back, your sales team will know they’ve already got an interested lead on the line.

3. Avoid Bad Timing

Consider the following scenario: you’ve just had an argument with your spouse. Before you get a chance to collect your composure, the phone rings. Whether you answer the call or send it straight to voicemail, the odds are high that you’ll be irritated by the interruption. No matter what the person on the other end of the line is selling, you’ll have already formed a negative opinion. This isn’t the fault of the salesperson, but that probably won’t change your mind.

The scenario described above shows one of the many potential pitfalls of calling people. But if your call goes direct to voicemail instead, you can steer clear of the bad timing trap. Your call will no longer disturb the lead during a turbulent situation, which will give them ample time to calm down before they listen to your voicemail marketing message.

4. Reduce Salesperson Burnout

Even the very best salespeople aren’t immune to the ego-shattering effects of constant rejection. Whether they’ve been hung up on, told “no” dozens of times in a row or been cursed at, rejection from those who treat salespeople badly can lead to burnout. This often reduces job satisfaction and takes that special zip out of their step. Their close rate will fall as a result, as will their delivery of your company’s message. In other words, salesperson burnout hurts everyone.

Turning to ringless voicemail will save your employees from being berated by uninterested parties. Avoiding negative sales call experiences will help them keep a positive attitude for qualified leads.

5. Increase Customer Satisfaction

Up to 84 percent of unsatisfied consumers complain about salespeople being too pushy. When you take the variable live human element out of the equation with voice broadcasting, you’ll get a marketing message that delivers pertinent details without coming across as pushy or desperate. Listening to a voicemail drop gives consumers the ability to truly take in your message without being concerned about a salesperson needling them. By helping them relax, you’ll give your leads a better opportunity to consider the pros of buying your product.

6. Boost Performance Over Emails Alone

Emails have become the preferred marketing method for many companies, and it’s definitely wise not to ignore this form of outreach. However, you should also add ringless voicemail drops to boost the overall performance of your marketing strategy. Studies show that up to 33 percent of people listen to voicemails. This is higher than the top open rate for email marketing, which currently sits at 27.35 percent. There will naturally be some overlap, but combining these two powerful platforms can get your message in front of up to 60 percent of your leads.

To put the statistics above into perspective, salespeople making individual calls are likely to speak to approximately five or six people for every 100 calls. Meanwhile, as many as 33 leads out of every 100 will listen to your voice drop message. Tack on email to this scenario, and you’ll successfully connect with up to 60 of the same 100 leads with minimal effort.

7. Eliminates Human Error

How many times have you felt embarrassed by leaving a voicemail with a mistake in it? Even the best salespeople will occasionally mess up and do something silly such as fumbling their name, saying the wrong business info or inaccurately quoting key details about a sale. Despite the fact that we all do this sometimes, consumers can be vicious about trying to hold you accountable for any mistakes made in their favor. Additionally, messages that contain errors sound unprofessional and degrade consumer confidence.

Don’t let human error cause issues for your business. By using ringless voicemail technology, you can steer clear of mistakes and ensure that every lead receives the exact same information. You’ll also spare your salespeople from the self-doubt that can be triggered by leaving a poor voicemail message.

8. Respects the Lead’s Privacy

Some people have a good reason for wanting to hide their consumer activity from others in their household. For instance, a wife who wants to surprise her husband with an extravagant gift won’t be happy if he finds out about it ahead of time due to a sales call. A voicedrop will give the lead a chance to hear your message without any intrusive phone calls that could grab their family’s attention. The lead also won’t have to worry about somehow communicating during an unexpected live call without giving their secret away to anyone within earshot.

Learn How to Call Directly to Voicemail

There’s no trick to this process, but it’s also not something that just anyone can do. We’re able to send a call straight to voicemail by utilizing server-to-server communication. In a nutshell, this means that our voice drops software communicates directly with each lead’s voicemail server. It’s similar to the difference between tweeting someone publicly and sending a direct message.

Is Ringless Voicemail the Future of Sales?

People tend to live hectic lives, and there’s no indication that this will change in the near future. If anything, the pace of our lives is getting more intense with each passing year. Salespeople know that calling someone when they’re busy is a recipe for disaster. But how can you avoid this when your leads are practically always engaged with a work or personal matter?

If you properly utilize voicemail drop software, you’ll benefit from delivering key details in a customer friendly way. Much like many consumers research products and services online according to their own schedule, your unobtrusive voicemail will be waiting to help them when they have enough time to really consider your sales pitch. Sending a message via ringless technology is also a great way to connect with introverted leads who cringe whenever the phone rings.

Be Prepared for Call Backs

Rather than burning them out with constant outbound calling, keep your best salespeople on hand to answer the incoming calls generated by automated voicemails. Each caller will already know the basics of your products or service, and they’ll have self-identified as someone who is interested in finding out more. A consumer who is showing this level of interest should be easy for experienced salespeople to convert into a paying customer.

Choosing Your Provider

There are several ringless voicemail providers, so you have to ensure that you make a wise choice. The last thing you want is to sign a contract with a provider that’s not properly equipped to deliver a high-quality voicedrop experience.

We take pride in providing the excellent customer service and top-notch results that your company deserves. Our drops go straight to voicemail on landlines and mobile devices. Therefore, if your leads are using one of the best voicemail apps, we’ll still be able to connect with them. This level of performance is virtually guaranteed to make your phone ring and increase your company’s overall close ratio.

Bearworks provides power-dialer and ringless voicemail drop functionality with a personalized AI-powered voice.

How to Start a Business With No Money

Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur these days, you might have a really great idea that you think can change the game or you just might want to have your own business and be your own boss. Either way, chances are that you won’t actually end up doing something because you don’t have the money. However, there are always ways to get around that problem and actually start a business with no, or very little money!

Below are some tips that can help you get moving in the right direction:

1. Use the Resources at Your Disposal

You can literally start a business with the resources you have at hand. It could be anything at all which you already possess. You own a car or a pickup truck? Well then you could rent your car or even start a delivery business! Have a kitchen and you can bake? Then you could easily start a business all by yourself and wouldn’t need any cash to start it up. [Rachel Bridge]

2. Secure a Small Business Loan

Many governments offer loan programs specifically designed to get small businesses off the ground. Even some banks have programs for small business owners and startups in order for them to be able to raise some money for starting up their business. These loans are usually secured if you have a sound idea and good planning, plus may also give the benefit of lower interest rates.

3. Employ less, Do More!

Having a startup with low budget will require you to do most of the work yourself. If you have no money to pay for staffing, you have to be willing to put in a lot of extra work and sweat your way through to success. In the start, you should be focused on not having employees do work for you but rather do everything yourself or even getting part time college students and employing them on commission basis to sustain your business. As Ryan Westwood correctly puts it, “there’s no substitute for sweat equity”.

4. Start Slow

Jayson Demers suggests that sometimes you have to hold up all of your ideas and give your business a sort of ‘warmup’ period in the start. By doing this, instead of going full throttle with your entire business idea you’ll start with the basics and start with maybe one idea instead of all of them. It can be hard to finance entire business ideas and thus it could be easy for startup owners will little money to inaugurate their businesses with just one niche service in order to be sustainable. This will allow you to get off the ground and get a head start, you could probably run it on your own and thus be able to start slow and build your business from the ground up.

6 Powerful Muhammad Ali Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Last week we lost Muhammad Ali, “The People’s Champ”. He was undoubtedly the greatest boxer of all time, but at the same time he was a great human being and his life in and outside the ring offers so many great lessons for every human being. As a tribute to the Champ, we have rounded up 6 of his power quotes that can be an inspiration to every entrepreneur:

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

For all those who live in fear of the difficult challenges in life or those who stay away from taking a big risk, Muhammad Ali showed that if you just put in hard work into what you’re doing and give it your 100%, then even the impossible will become a mere achievement for you!

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.”

This is for the budding entrepreneurs who believe they have an idea, a hope of creating something new and extraordinary. Muhammad Ali tells us that if our mind can come up with a glimmer of an idea then there is nothing that can stop us from taking a chance and believing in our idea, because believing in something can be the difference between success and failure.

“The man with no imagination has no wings.”

This quote defines one of the most important qualities that an entrepreneur must possess. Imagination. Without this, an entrepreneur cannot innovate or create newer and better platforms for himself or his business.

“He who’s not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”

Being a successful entrepreneur means taking big risks. Without taking risks and just playing it safe all the time, no business owner can successfully establish him or herself in the corporate world. Sometimes you have to just believe and put in everything you have into a venture in order to be successful.

“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.”

If you’re sitting at home, trying to figure out a reason for why you haven’t been successful yet or why you’ve been stuck in the same situation for a long time, then all you need to do is wake up from your slumber! You need to start working harder, realize what you’re doing wrong and make goals and remedies to take your ideas and business to new heights. If you don’t wake up and take a good hard look at yourself, you won’t achieve your dreams.

“Inside of a ring or out, ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong.”

You may experience some low moments, betrayals or even failures within your entrepreneurial journey, but you need to keep fighting. Not giving up is the key, to bounce back up, free yourself of the mistakes of your past and to learn from them is what keeps you going. Failures will come, the most successful are those who learn to get back up!

5 Tips to Create Effective Newsletters

Email Newsletter is one of the most common internet marketing tools, but one of the hardest to do effectively. If not designed correctly many times they are left unread in the inbox. But if you can nail this, newsletters can become a very powerful and highly-effective way to generate leads, increase customer loyalty, and drive organic traffic to your website. Below are some tips that can help you create an effective newsletter campaign:

1. Optimize for Mobile

As mentioned in an article by Momentology, “According to Unbounce, 75 percent of subscribers may delete a non-mobile optimized email”, it is of utmost importance to create a newsletter that is mobile friendly. No matter which device your audience uses to view your newsletter, it should look appealing in order to increase the open rate.

2. Keep it Short

As Colleen Corkery mentions in her post that according to statistics an average person spends around 51 seconds in reading a newsletter. Yes you read that correct, 51 seconds! So rather than creating long boring posts, keep your content scannable with content blocks, brief blurbs, snapshots, takeaways and/or bullet points and including call-to-action buttons will give your readers’ eyes a scanning sigh of relief. Provide just enough info to build the reader’s interest and then add call to action button and links to redirect them to your website/blog etc., for more info.

3. 90% Education and 10% Promotional

Readers don’t always want to hear about your product and you should keep that in mind while designing your newsletter. Ginny Soskey suggests that, “In your email newsletters, get rid of the self-promotion (most of the time) and focus on sending your subscribers educational, relevant, timely information. Unless you actually have an exciting, big piece of news about your product, service, or company”. The more you generate content that can be educational and entertaining for your reader the higher chances you have of your emails being actually opened and read.

4. Get Creative with Subject Lines

Subject lines are as important as the actual newsletter. You may have an amazing newsletter, but if you can’t get your customers to open it, then it’s of no use. So the first step is to intrigue your customer through your subject line to make them click on your email. Hostway suggests that “When creating your subject lines, think about the headlines that grab your attention in newspapers, magazines and emails you read and then model your subject lines after these headlines. Keep you subject lines short, simple and to-the-point with a twist of intrigue thrown in for good measure.”

5. Make it Easy to Unsubscribe

This may look like counter intuitive, but rather than having a long list of people who do not open your emails and bring your open rate down, you should have a short list of people who are actually interested in reading your newsletters. Make sure it is easy for the reader to find and use the unsubscribe option if they are no longer interested in hearing from you. This might shorten your list but will lead to have people who are genuinely interested in getting your emails.

5 Tips for Successful Goal Setting

Goal setting is very important in order to be able to achieve what you desire whether it is personal or professional life. However setting the wrong goals or unrealistic goals can become a roadblock in the path of success.  Here are our five tips to help you set goals that pave the way for the results you want:

1. Define Your Dreams and Goals

Humans have the desire of leading a better life and thus they set some goals for themselves to achieve this dream. In order to be able to establish your goals, you need to know what your dreams are. Once you have determined what you really want from life only then you can set goals that can lead you to achieve what you want. Jim Rohn suggests to Take time to be quiet ….. Think about what would you love to accomplish? What would you try if you were guaranteed to succeed?” List down all your dreams and then prioritize them according to what is more important and feasible. Once you have done that you are in a better position to set your goals.

2. Use S.M.A.R.T Goals Approach

The SMART goals approach has been utilized for years now, because they work. Sarah Hensen also suggests in her article that when setting goals be sure that they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound (have a deadline).

3. Make an Action Plan

The step that most people miss out is making an action plan to achieve the goals. In order to be able to achieve your goals successfully it is important to outline the steps that need to be taken to reach the desired outcome. An article by MindTools suggests that, “By writing out the individual steps, and then crossing each one off as you complete it, you’ll realize that you are making progress towards your ultimate goal. This is especially important if your goal is big and demanding, or long-term.”

4. Take the First Step

By now you have identified your dreams, decided your goals and made an action plan. Now the most important thing to do is taking the first step towards your destination. Identify the first step from your action plan and begin your journey.

5. Review and Revise

Change is the only constant in this world. You should always review your goals and action plan to see whether it is helping you in achieving what you want. If you feel that your targets have changed and your goals are no longer aligned with your desires and needs you should replace them with new goals and revise your action plan accordingly. As Steven Robbins writes in his article, “We adopt goals to change our lives. Rather than adopting a goal you hope will change your life once you reach it, do it the other way around. Choose the journey that for you would be awesome—and then choose a goal that acts as a compass to give you that life as part of the journey.”

5 Reasons to Stop Multitasking

The ability to Multitask is considered a positive trait in a person and usually a mandatory job requirement, however research has now proven that not only does it affect work quality, but may also affect your brain and IQ.

1. Human Brain is Not Built to Multitask.

As Devora Zack point out in her article, “Multitasking is a myth; it simply doesn’t exist.” MIT’s Dr. Earl Miller explains that human brain cannot simultaneously process separate streams of information from multiple tasks because there’s interference between the two tasks. What we have branded as multi-tasking is simply task-switching at a very rapid pace.

2. It Affects Your Memory

Simone Smith writes in her article that “In 2011, the University of California, San Francisco published a research study showing how quickly shifting from one task to another impacts short term memory.” This can have serious damages to your memory as you grow older.

3. It Makes You Less Productive

We all have been assuming that multitasking makes us more productive. Well, that us not true. In reality “multitasking creates mental blocks that can result in as much as a 40 percent loss in production time.” It is better to prioritize your workday and identify your important tasks and get them done one by one.

4. It Lowers Work Quality

Larry Kim mentions in his article that “Multitasking makes it more difficult to organize thoughts and filter out irrelevant information, and it reduces the efficiency and quality of our work.” His argument is backed by a study at the University Of London showing that subjects who multi-tasked while performing cognitive tasks experienced significant IQ drops, which were similar to that of individuals who either skipped a night of sleep or smoked marijuana.

5. It Affects Your Creativity

According to a research done at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Multitasking requires a lo t of what’s known as “working memory,” or temporary brain storage. It can thus affect our ability to think creatively. The researcher concluded that with so much is going on in multitaskers brains, that they often find it hard to daydream and generate spontaneous “a ha moments” as compared to people who do not multitask.

5 Ways to Be More Productive Working From Home

Working from may home may seem easy, but once you start you get to know how difficult it is to get into the working mode wile you are still in your PJs. Here are some useful tips to make your work from home routine more productive:

1. Set Your Working Hours

Melissa Stanger suggests that “If you commit yourself to specific hours like you do at the office, you’re more likely to get work done during those hours.”

Analyze your day and identify which hours work best for you, it could be any part of the day but once you decide you need to follow your schedule religiously.

2. Choose a Dedicated Work Space

As Eric Devent quotes in his article, “Have a place you go specifically to work. It could be a certain table, chair, local coffee shop — some place that’s consistently your ‘ work space.’ It helps you get into the right frame of mind.” A dedicated work space not only allows you to get into the work mode but also lets other people know this so that they do not disturb you in that time.

3. Take Breaks

Kelsey Libert writes in her article that “It may seem counter-intuitive to take breaks in order to be more productive, but research has shown that the most productive workers focus for 52 minutes, then disengage for 17 minutes. These rest periods help the mind come back refreshed and better prepared to see new angles on challenges. So rather than working non-stop and bringing down your productivity, you should take small breaks in between to freshen up and start with a re-energized focus.

4. Get Dressed for Work

As Melanie Pinola rightly outs it, “getting to work in your PJs is one of the big benefits to working on your own, but it doesn’t help you get into a work frame of mind.” She suggests that one should change into working clothes, not necessariry anything too formal but at least wear pants or a skirt to have that feeling of being at work. Later on you can change into your non-work clothes which will help you create a mental framework for working and then getting off from work as well.

5. Know When to Stop Working

Working from home does not mean that you work all the time or whenever you come up with an idea. As suggested by, “Set defined times when you’re going to work, and then when it passes, stop. You can have a bit of leeway here, but make sure that you don’t end up letting work run your life.”


How to Run a Successful Virtual Meeting?

The technological advancements of the modern era has given birth to the idea of having a group of people geographically dispersed working as a team. Although this phenomenon brings in a lot of advantages but also has some problems. One of them might be conducting virtual meetings effectively. Since most of us are used to having face-to-face meetings therefore conducting a virtual meeting that yields the anticipated results might become difficult. Here are some tips to overcome the usual problems and run successful virtual meetings:

1. Set Clear Meeting Agenda

As Jaleh Bisharet suggests, “Before every meeting, ask yourself: What should we leave with that we didn’t have before we started?” Asking this question will help you identify a set of goals that you want to reach at the end of the meeting and enable you to set an agenda. Once you have set an agenda you will be able to asses who the meeting  participants should be what you expect from each of them. Setting the meeting agenda and circulating it among the participants beforehand will help ensure to keep meeting on track, and achieve what you planned on.

2. Encourage Participation

As Esther Schindler mentioned, “Common pet peeves among frequent online meeting participants reflect the tendency for people to become distracted from the matter at hand.” In a virtual meeting there are high chances of participants trying to get other things done simultaneously, however multitasking will not lead to achieving the desired meeting goals. A good way to avoid this is to encourage participation and engage the participants so that they pay attention to matters at hand rather than checking emails or trying to multitask.

3. Turn the Video On

Keith Ferrazi believes that it is important to turn on the video in a virtual meeting. “Since everyone on the call is separated by distance, the best thing you can do to make everyone at least feel like they’re in the same room is to use video.” In a video meeting everyone can see each other’s facial expressions, which matters alot. It will also help in minimizing chances of people getting distracted. With the video turned on everyone will feel connected just like in a normal meeting.

4. Take Notes

Brad Volin suggests that “Meeting minutes play a critical role in helping team members remember what was said and what’s next.” He suggests that Minutes-On-The-Go method offered by Arvind Malhotra, Ann Majchrzak, and Benson Rosen. One person is assigned for taking minutes during the meeting. At the end you can view these minutes and summarize action items and due dates for these easily.

5. Meeting Equipment

In order to run a successful virtual meeting, it is important to choose the correct tools and technologies. Depending on your meeting requirements, you can start with just an internet connection, audio (from computer speakers, microphone etc.), and a webcam. For larger groups you may use some more sophisticated video conferencing equipment, if required.

The most effective web conferences are those that only use the technology that is needed. KIS—keep it simple— is the best way to have people focus on your message and not the technology”Make sure to check the video conferencing system before you start the meeting to avoid any delays and technical glitches during the meeting.

4 Ways to Network With Other Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs, especially first time entrepreneurs tend to focus on their vision and product so much that they sometimes ignore or underestimate the importance of some other things; networking with other entrepreneurs is one such area. Networking with other like minded people helps one to become better interconnected within their line of work and it also opens doors to new opportunities.

So how can entrepreneurs take out time from their busy schedules to fit in networking. Here are our top 4 tips to become better netwroker:

1. Be Active on Twitter

Jonathan Long states that “There are several social networks that can be used to successfully network and connect with entrepreneurs — but Twitter is full of real-time action.” This is because Twitter feed is constantly giving breaking news and information for every industry. It is simple and the 140-character limit helps in eliminating lengthy time consuming messages. You can identify people who are tweeting about the same things as you and easily connect with them.

2. Join An Organization for Entrepreneurs

Another great way to network with other entrepreneurs is to join an entrepreneurial organization. According to Brian Truong, “These organizations provide several benefits aside from just the networking and connections — the exposure, advice and mentoring that can originate from these types of entrepreneurial organizations is priceless.”

3. Attend Industry Events

Attending industry events is another great way to meet others like minded individuals. According to, “You may meet potential clients that love the industry you work in or you may meet the right vendors, future hires or businesses you can work together on projects with.” While others are trying to network through online media you can have an advantage by having face to face interaction with your peers and potential clients. Look for events, conferences and seminars from where you can learn something or have something to offer.

4. Help Others

As Susan Rittscher mentions, “The final key to success builds on old fashioned notions. You will only be as successful as you help others to be successful.” Helping others will not only enable others to succeed, but it will also enable you to grow personally and professionally. Help others, recommend them, give them suggestions, refer them clients and you will not only feel good about yourself but will also make a long term connection.

How to Wake Up Early?

Everyone is aware of the famous quote by Benjamin Franklin, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

However a lot of people struggle with rising up early due to a lot of reasons and habits. But as Leo Babauta writes “Waking early can give you an hour or three of extra time for focus and creativity.” Waking up early has a lot advantages and if you look at the life of successful and productive entrepreneurs, you will see one common habit, they are all early risers.

Here are a few tips to help you in becoming a morning person:

1. Have a Strong Reason to Wake Up Early

Unless you have a purpose to wake up early, you will not be able to convince yourself to become an early riser. As Celestine Chua puts it, Almost all attempts to wake up early fail because there isn’t a strong enough reason driving this habit change”. So before you try to change your routine make sure you have a strong reason that you are convinced on 100%.

2. Make Gradual Lifestyle Changes

In order to be able to train your body to go to bed early and rise early too, it is important that you make gradual changes to your routine rather than trying to wake up at 5AM or 6AM after sleeping at 2AM or 3AM. This would also be extremely helpful if you are a night owl used to sleeping at 8AM and then waking up in the evening.

As Charlie Mendoza suggests, Do it in increments, so instead of sleeping at the same time, say 8 AM, sleep 15 minutes earlier and wake up 15 minutes earlier ….. If you do this continuously, you’ll be a morning person in less than a month.”

3. Do not Hit Snooze

As Jeff Goins mentions in his article, “Hitting your alarm’s snooze button doesn’t give you more of the restful REM sleep. Your body and mind aren’t recuperating you’re just wasting time.”

In fact if you are in a habit of hitting snooze regularly your mind will become used to ignoring the alarm. It is a good idea to keep your alarm across the room so that you have to get up to turn it off. This way you will have to get out off bed and there will be no urge to hit the snooze button.

4. Create an appealing early-morning routine.

Create a morning routine that gets you excited. It could be few minutes of meditation or a hot cup of coffee or some other activity that gets you motivated. As per Katherine Martinko, “Easing gently into the day makes it a lot easier to get up, rather than leaping into jogging clothes and hitting the empty streets for an early morning run (although that might work for some highly energetic individuals!).”

5. Get Enough Sleep

Although everyone’s sleep requirement is different from each other, but generally a person needs to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep. Another important factor is to get quality sleep rather than focusing on quantity. The better your sleep quality is the easier it will be for you to wake up early and not feel tired or fatigued. (Peter Clemens)

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