Entrepreneurs, especially first time entrepreneurs tend to focus on their vision and product so much that they sometimes ignore or underestimate the importance of some other things; networking with other entrepreneurs is one such area. Networking with other like minded people helps one to become better interconnected within their line of work and it also opens doors to new opportunities.

So how can entrepreneurs take out time from their busy schedules to fit in networking. Here are our top 4 tips to become better netwroker:

1. Be Active on Twitter

Jonathan Long states that “There are several social networks that can be used to successfully network and connect with entrepreneurs — but Twitter is full of real-time action.” This is because Twitter feed is constantly giving breaking news and information for every industry. It is simple and the 140-character limit helps in eliminating lengthy time consuming messages. You can identify people who are tweeting about the same things as you and easily connect with them.

2. Join An Organization for Entrepreneurs

Another great way to network with other entrepreneurs is to join an entrepreneurial organization. According to Brian Truong, “These organizations provide several benefits aside from just the networking and connections — the exposure, advice and mentoring that can originate from these types of entrepreneurial organizations is priceless.”

3. Attend Industry Events

Attending industry events is another great way to meet others like minded individuals. According to Conversational.com, “You may meet potential clients that love the industry you work in or you may meet the right vendors, future hires or businesses you can work together on projects with.” While others are trying to network through online media you can have an advantage by having face to face interaction with your peers and potential clients. Look for events, conferences and seminars from where you can learn something or have something to offer.

4. Help Others

As Susan Rittscher mentions, “The final key to success builds on old fashioned notions. You will only be as successful as you help others to be successful.” Helping others will not only enable others to succeed, but it will also enable you to grow personally and professionally. Help others, recommend them, give them suggestions, refer them clients and you will not only feel good about yourself but will also make a long term connection.